1 Chicken Carcass (with as much skin as survived)
3-4 carrots
3-4 stalks celery
2 onions
3-4 bay leaves
Salt and Pepper
Fresh Thyme (Optional)
1. Combine chicken carcass, vegetables (chopped as finely as possible - see note!), and herbs in a large stock pot and fill with water until the carcass is covered by about an inch of liquid.
2. Bring to a boil.
3. Simmer for 2-3 hours, stirring occasionally. With larger carcasses, 4 hours isn't out of the question.
4. Use a slotted spoon is remove and dispose of all solid contents. (Veggie stock detrius can be composted, but with the carcass involved, chicken stock detrius needs to be thrown out.) Pass the remaining liquid into as many bowls as needed.
5. Cover and refrigerate bowls 1-2 days.
6. Remove bowls and skim fat from surface. Transfer remaining stock into freezer-safe containers and freeze.
THE KEY TO MAKING A TASTY STOCK IS SURFACE AREA! The smaller you can chop your veggies, the more liquid makes contact with them, leeching out the maximum amount of flavour. So the tinier the veggies, the more flavourful the stock!
***If you don't happen to have a leftover chicken carcass handy, just bake 2 lbs of chicken wings (the part of the bird with the most chickeny goodness!) and add them to your pot along with any of the baking juices and "fond" that you can scrape off your pan!
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